Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation, Inc.
PHOTOS OF 2006 MEETING Page 13  
Below are photos taken at the 2006 Memorial Wagon Train Ride, local tours and barbeque in Carrollton, Arkansas, on Saturday and Sunday. Photos by Burr Fancher.
Bob Jowett and Ron Wright display the Prewitt Family flag representing their relatives on the train   Senator Randy Lavery speaks to wagon train while Kenny Underdown's band take a break
Dan Dotson entertains the crowd as he auctions off unique items brought by members   MMMF members explore the Old Beller Cemetery near Caravan Springs where the wagon train left fom in 1857.
Gremaux family at MMM mounment in Harrison   Ada, Susan & Jack Fancher travel in luxury
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Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.