Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation, Inc.
PHOTOS OF 2007 150 Year Memorial Service at the Massacre Site Page 8
Rock Cairn
A rock cairn is a pile of stones erected to define a path or mark a memorial. In the case below it is supposed to be a memorial to the victims of their Mormon Killers.
To see the 1860 drawing of the original Rock Cairn click here.
CHRISTAIN CROSSES placed so thoughtfully on the fence by the Mountain Meadows Massacre Descendants Organization, reminds us that the Cedar Wooden Cross like the cross Brigham Young tore down is missing from the Rock Cairn. Without the Christian Cross the Monument is a Memorial to the Mormon killers and not the Christian victims buried here.
This is what it should look like.
The Monument prior to the Ceremonies. Those rocks look mighty barren without a Wood Christian Cross.
Harley Fancher conversing with LDS Officials prior to the ceremonies.
In the audience at the ceremonies was Diane Kirkman, Rocky and Helen Hulse of the Nauvoo Christian Visitors Center in Nauvoo, Illinois, and Sandra Tanner of the Utah Lighthouse Ministries in Salt Lake City, Utah.
A front row view of the large crowd attending the Massacre Memorial.
Patty Norris President of the MMMD giving the welcome at the Memorial. Patty was also responsible for placing the white Christian Crosses on the Rock Cairn Fence.
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Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.