Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
I am the Rock that has been from the foundation of the earth.
I have felt the wind's breath.
I have felt the suns warmth.
I have felt the rain's strength.
Diann Fancher
I have felt the grass' growth.
I am the Rock that cries out.
I have felt the warmth of the innocent blood that fell on me in September of 1857.
I felt the tears of the children.
I felt the footprints of the murders.
I felt the footprints of the innocent.
I am the Rock that was moved in 1859, to cover up the broken flesh of those that
lost their future.
I am the Rock that cries out.
I am the Rock that held up that cedar cross.
I am the Rock that was thrown aside with vengeance by Brigham Young
in May of 1861.
I have not found the rest that is needed to heal all that I have witnessed.
I am that Rock that still has the bloodstain of the innocent from Arkansas .
I am the Rock that needs to be put in place after 150 years of unrest.
I am the Rock that cries out.
I am the Rock that needs to hear the words that they are sorry for shedding
innocent blood.
I am the Rock wet with tears from then to now.
I am the Rock that needs to see the seeds of those children that were return home
in September of 1859.  
I am the Rock that calls out for peace for all generations to come.
I am the Rock that seeks words from the Mormons asking forgiveness that will
allow My innocent blood to be at rest.
I am the Rock that cries out.
I am the Rock that desires to see the seeds of today to be at peace.
I am the Rock that has felt the wind, the sun, and the rain from the
foundation of this earth.
I am the Rock that desires to lay in this meadow by quite stream.
I am the Rock that needs to give an account, that on this day
September 11, 2007 peace was made.
I am the Rock that knows the desires and dreams of this generation of
descendents, must put to rest the pain and their losses.
I am the Rock that cries out.
I am the Rock of Mountain Meadows. By Diann Fancher

Brigham Young desecrated the Original Christian Cross and Rock Cairn
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Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.