A replica of the original grave monument at Mountain Meadows as placed by Major Carleton's troops in 1859 has been erected at Old Yell Lodge in Carrollton, Arkansas. The original monument at Mountain Meadows, Utah was destroyed by Brigham Young and his followers in 1861. The replica consists of a 16 foot cedar cross with inscription "Vengeance is Mine, I Will Repay, Saith the Lord." A sandstone rock is engraved with the words "Here lie 120 men, women and children who were murdered in cold blood in early September1857. They were from Arkansas." The replica is situated on a cement slab and surrounded by a beautiful wrought iron fence. A 4' x 8' interpretative sign explains the purpose of the replica. This monument is located between the lodge and the adjoining cemetery. If you are passing through Carrollton on Highway 412, take a few minutes to visit the site. Historical marker signs have been placed along the highway to bring the monument to the attention of motorists. (click here for photo of replica of granite slab) ( THE MORMON (BEE HIVE) MONUMENT OVER CHRISTIAN GRAVES )
Music and Song by Pete Moore, of Albany Oregon. Words by Soldiers who buried the victims in 1859. Download MP3 Right click save target as save to folder in hard drive.