Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation, Inc.
The Most Active and Representative of the Massacre Descendant's Organizations
Merrill J. Mattes Research Library - National Frontier Trails Museum
Oregon-California Trails Library Dedication
Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation Special Collection
318 W. Pacific, Independence, MO 64050, (816) 325-7575, Contact: John Mark Lambertson
May, 2008
Oregon-California Trails Library Dedication took place on May 2008. MMMF officers and member are picture above standing behind just a few of the books included in the 130 book library collection. The books are all books related to the MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE. Pictured are: MMMF President Phil Bolinger, MMMF Board Member Bob Fancher, MMMF members Elmer Faddis and Ada Fancher, MMMF Committee Chair for Library Collections Burr Fancher, MMMF members James Bolinger and Bill Basham . This collection was sponsorsed by Phil Bolinger and Bill Basham.

The Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation is dedicating its 7th library in Prescott Arizona, on August 15th, 2008, with over 130 books relating to the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Each library costs $1600 to establish and maintain. The funds for the library are donated by individuals interested in the true history of this tragic event that has been covered-up for 150 years by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Merrill J. Mattes Research Library - National Frontier Trails Museum | Map | MMMF Libraries
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Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.