The information contained on the DANITES pages is information that has been collected by reseachers at Brigham Young University .
Joseph Smith's Hit Man
Orrin Porter Rockwell
Killed 17 people for the church. Shot and wounded Missouri Gov. Boggs on orders from Joe Smith.
Most of the information especially about the Danites is information that the Mormon Church would rather not discuss. The Mormons that made up the Danites were cold blooded killers that the Mormon Church would deny were even members of the Church. Most of their activities were sanctioned by Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith or Brigham Young.
The Danites comprised most of the 400 or so Mormon men who surrendered along with Smith and Rigdon to state militia forces at Far West. Smith, Rigdon, and several other Danite leaders were arrested, and spent the next few months in jail awaiting trial on treason and murder charges. Most of the other murder charges.
Most of the other 15,000 or so Mormons, having been banished from Missouri, settled near Quincy, Illinois. Meaning, Smith didn't "disband the maverick body"; rather, the Danites were disbanded because they were either in jail or had moved to Illinois. Many former Missouri-period Danites later became Nauvoo policemen, Joseph Smith's bodyguards, or Nauvoo Legionnaries. Meaning, rather than being "maverick" or outcasts, they were among Smith's most trusted and loyal followers.
Brigham Young's Hit Man
William "Wild Bill" Hickman
Killed 54 people on orders of the Prophet Brigham Young.
Click on image of William "Wild Bill" Hickman for more information.
To fully understand the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith one needs to understand the continual cover-up by the LDS Church.
The cover-up extends to the tour of the Carthage Jail that the Mormon tour guides hide the fact that Joseph and Hyrum Smith had any guns in their cells.
Mormon documention even states that Joseph Smith shot and killed two men and wounded another. The gun Joseph Smith used was the Pepperbox Pistol (upper gun). Joseph Smith was shot four times near the window of the Jail and then fell out the window.
The video by Bill McKeever explains the death of Joseph Smith as documented by the LDS Church.
Bill McKeever speaks on the untold story of the death of Joseph Smith. "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined; their foundation must be very weak." -- (Journal of Discourses 14:216-217)
Photo on left is of the pepperbox pistol used by Joseph Smith to kill two men prior to his death in the Carthage Jail. The Mormon tour guides will not tell you the true story. The single shot pistol was in the possession of but not used by his brother Hyrum. Brother Hyrum was Killed before he could use his.