Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation Special Collection
Little Rock, Arkansas
April 4, 2007
On behalf of the Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation, Diann Fancher and Burr Fancher dedicated a library collection of Mountain Meadows related materials to the Butler Research Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. The collection included 128 books, documents and photographs. Over 170 people attended the Power Point presentation on the massacre. Harley and Diann Fancher and Burr and Ada Fancher sponsored this collection. Lesson plans for history teachers will be added to collection in the near future. The Butler Center sill serve as a clearinghouse for materials to assist teachers in bringing the history of the Mountain Meadows Massacre into Arkansas classrooms.
Diann Fancher introduces MMMF Library
collection to Butler Center.
Burr Fancher makes Power Point presentation
to Butler Center Lunch & Legacy group.
Over 170 people listened to the Power Point
presentation on Mountain Meadows.
One of the 14 tables of books in the MMMF
collection at the Butler Center.
Diann and Burr Fancher after the dedication.
Second from left is Randy Lavery, State Senate Majority Leader in Arkansas.
Burr Fancher signing one of his books.
The Mountain Meadows Massacre history has gained the support of general public in Arkansas and across America.