The LDS site has this disclaimer to LDS TRIAL LAWYER ROBER D. CROCKETTS reviews; "The views expressed in this article are the views of the author and do not represent the position of the Maxwell Institute, Brigham Young University, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." If the cover-up specialist don't want anything to do with the articles, what does that do to Mr. Crockett's creditability?
For a fair and balanced book reviews of the "BLOOD OF THE PHOPHETS," and "AMERICAN MASSACRE," go to the reviews in the links in the right column.
"Provocation," that the LDS Church long ago said was not true, is used by Mr. Crockett to justify the cold blooded killings (A CRIME COMMITTED WITHOUT CAUSE) of the unarmed men, women and children of the Fancher Wagon Train. Thirty of the persons on Fancher Wagon were my blood relatives and I find the LDS TRIAL LAWYER'S defense of the Mountain Meadows Massacre is flagrantly despicable, reflects on his profession, competency, and Mormon faith.
In this case Mr. Crockett is defending a certifiable psychopathic murderer, Brigham Young, completely overlooking the obvious. An insanity plea! Defending the second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is like defending John Wayne Gacy where does he go after the Mountain Meadows Massacre? The slitting of the throats of apostate Mormons (blood atonement)? The Gunnison Massacre? The Ward Massacre? The Medical doctor in Salt Lake City he had Murdered in the middle of the night? The attempts to kill Jim Bridger? The numerous killings of William "Wild Bill" Hickman, just one of Brigham Young's hit men. The skeletons are throughout the Theocracy.
When we look at the over all picture Prophet Young, is going to need a very competent attorney when he gets up there to the pearly gates as Mr. Crockett doesn't have a big enough hose to put out the fires. Trial Lawyer Crockett and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized this butcher into history!
Mr. Crockett completely discredits Mr. Bagley using Juanita Brooks as one reference to do so. It looks as though he had better stick with real estate law because defending Brigham Young is only going to be believed by the already duped ears of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Mr. Crockett very conveniently fails to mention the fact that Fancher wagon train was one of the wealthiest wagon trains to travel through Utah worth over $70,000 dollars with some estimates going as high as $300,000. Well over one million dollars by today's standards. He also fails to mention that within months of the massacre Brigham Young was seen driving one of the fancy hand carved wagons, looted from the Mountain Meadows butchery, on the streets of Salt Lake City .
Mrs. Brooks does mention in her book that the tithing room at the Cedar City Ward was filled with the bounty from the Fancher Train. The blood soaked clothes and the rest of the booty was still in the tithing room when the investigators arrived.
The general business litigator obviously avoids mentioning that six months after the Army built the Rock Cairn, President Brigham Young had it desecrated. He also avoids the issue of burial for the wagon train victims. What kind of a leader would allow the victims to lay out in the meadow naked (Mormons took all their clothing and jewelry) for years to be fodder for the vultures?
Another issue Mr. Crockett is unable to address is the following: Brigham Young's actions after the massacre were inexcusable. A "man of God" would have deplored the murders loudly and with great publicity, would have actively pursued everyone involved, would have seen that justice was served, by finding and arresting the many dozens of men involved in the mass murder of innocents.
Blood Atonement and Holly Larceny? Mr. Crockett has a right to be proud and defend (or worship) his fearless early church leader Brigham Young. Prophet Young is in fact one of the main reasons the church is worth over 200 billion dollars today. LDS Worth
As you finish the article you will realize that according to Mr. Crockett, it was not Jesus Christ who walked on water and had the fishermen bring in their nets full of fish but it was the all mighty Mormon Messiah himself "Brigham Young"!
Mr. Crockett's motives have got to be taken seriously. After all the LDS church's co-founder and his alma mater's namesake is being threatened by Will Bagley's, Sally Denton's and other author's books.
Will Bagley is a highly respected western history researcher and author. I will take his word any day over any general business litigator . For instance Mr. Bagley went into President GORDON BITNER HINCKLEY office and asked for the records in the first presidency office, regarding the Mountain Meadows Massacre. He was refused! To me and to any reasonable and prudent person this would be an indication that the Mormon Church has something to hide!
Mr. Bagley's book “Blood of the Prophets” sold more books per capita in Salt Lake City , Utah , than any other large city in the USA . Is that why the LDS hardliners such as Mr. Crockett are always trying to discredit Will Bagley's work?
Revised August 4, 2009
The views expressed in this article are the views of the author and do not represent the position of the Maxwell Institute, Brigham Young University, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Read Mr. Crockett's review of Will Bagley's “Blood of the Prophets”
Mr. Crockett reviews "AMERICAN MASSACRE" by Sally Denton
“Will You Love that Man or Woman Well Enough to Shed Their Blood?” a paper by Will Bagley
An unbiased review of the "Blood of the Prophets"
An unbiased review of "American Massacre" by Sally Denton
"Mountain Meadows massacre myths" reflections on the trial of John D. Lee by Robert H. Biggs