I hereby certify that on the 17th day of May last, John C. Bennett subscribed and swore to the affidavit over my signature of that date and published in the Wasp, after writing the same in my presence, in the office
where I was employed in taking depositions of witnesses. The door of the room was open and free for all, or any person to pass or repass. After signing and being qualified to the affidavit aforesaid, he requested to sneak to me at the door. I followed him out; he told me some persons had been lying about him, and showed me a writing granting him the privilege to withdraw from the Church, and remarked that the matter was perfectly understood between him and the heads of the Church; and that he had resigned the mayor's office, and should resign the office he held in the Legion; but as there was a court-martial to be held in a few days Joseph Smith desired that he would wait until that was over. History of the Church, Vol.5, Ch.4, p.81
I was in the city council on the 19th day of May last. I there heard him say what has been published concerning the teachings of Joseph Smith, and of his own course. I afterwards met him in company with Colonel Francis M. Higbee. He then stated that he was going to be the candidate, (meaning the candidate forthe legislature) and Joseph and Hyrum Smith were going in for him. Said' "You know it will be better for me not to be bothered with the mayor's office,
Legion, `Mormon,' or anything else."
During all this time, if he was under duress or fear, he must have a good faculty for concealing it, for he was at liberty to go and come when and where he pleased, so far as I am capable of judging.
Daniel H. Wells
I know that I saw him in different parts of the city even after he had made these statements, transacting business as usual, and said he was going to complete some business pertaining to the mayor's office; and I think did attend to work on the streets.
I was always personally friendly with him, after I became acquainted with him. I never heard him say anything derogatory to the character of Joseph Smith, until after he had been exposed by said Smith, on the public stand in Nauvoo. DANIEL H. WELLS. July 22nd, A. D. 1842.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, a justice of the peace, in and for the city of Nauvoo, in said county, this 22nd day of July, 1842. GUSTAVUS HILLS, [L. S.] J. P. and Alderman.
Times and Seasons Editor's Note.--"Daniel H. Wells, Esq., is an old resident in this place, and not a Mormon."
Sunday, 24.--This morning at home sick. Attended meeting at the Grove in the afternoon, and spoke of Brother Miller's having returned with the good news that Bennett would not be able to accomplish his designs.
Tuesday, 26.--Sick this morning. Rode to my farm in the afternoon.
Wednesday, 27--Attended meeting at the Grove and listened to the electioneering candidates, and spoke at the close of the meeting.
Letter or Governor Carlin to Joseph Smith,
Anent the Foregoing Resolution and Petition.
History of the Church, Vol.5, Ch.4, p.82
QUINCY, July 27, 1842.
DEAR SIR:--Your communication of the 25th instant, together with the petitions of the citizens of the city of Nauvoo, both male and female, were delivered to me last evening by Brevet-Major-General Wilson Law; also a report of James Sloan, Esq., Secretary of Nauvoo Legion, of the proceedings of a Court Martial of Brevet-Major-General had upon charges preferred against Major-General John C. Bennett; upon which trial the court found the defendant guilty, and sentenced him to be cashiered; all of which have been considered.
In reply to your expressed apprehensions of "the possibility of an attack upon the peaceable inhabitants of the city of Nauvoo and vicinity, through the intrigues and false representations of John C. Bennett and others," and your request that I would issue official orders to you to have the Nauvoo Legion in readiness to be called out at a moment's warning in defense of the peaceable citizens, &c., I must say that I cannot conceive of the least probability, or scarcely possibility, of an attack of violence upon the citizens of Nauvoo from any quarter whatever, and as utterly impossible that such attack is contemplated by any sufficient number of persons to excite the least apprehension of danger or injury, and whilst I should consider it my imperative duty to promptly take measures to suppress and repel any invasion, by violence of the people's rights, I nevertheless think that it is not in my province to interpose my official authority gratuitously when no such exigency exists. History of the Church, Vol.5, Ch.4, p.83
From the late exposure, as made by General Bennett it is not strange that the apprehensions of the citizens of Nauvoo are excited, but so far as I can learn from the expression of public opinion, the excitement is confined to the Mormons themselves, and only extends to the community at large as a matter of curiosity and wonder.
Gregg says concerning the killing of Worrell: "Who was the actually guilty party may never be known." There certainly was no occasion for keeping the matter secret, since the killing was altogether justifiable, under the circumstances, and it became a matter of common knowledge both in Nauvoo and Utah that it was Orrin Porter Rockwell--acting under orders of Sheriff Backenstos--and John Redder, who saved the officer's life. [B. H. Roberts, Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol.2, Ch.67, p.482]