Come all you sons of liberty, unto my rhyme give
'Tis of the bloody massacree you presently
shall hear
In splendor o'er the mountains some
thirty wagons came
They were awaited by a
wicked band, oh Utah, bear the blame!
In Indian colors all wrapped in shame this bloody
crew was seen
To flock around this little train all
on the meadows green
They were attacked in the
morning as they were on their way
They forthwith
corralled their wagons and fought in blood array
Till came the captain of the band, he surely did
Saying, "If you will give up your arms
we'll surely let you live."
When once they had
give up their arms, thinking their lives to save
The words were broken among the rest which sent them to their graves.
When once they had give up their arms they started for Cedar City
They rushed on them in Indian style, oh what a human pity!
They melted down with one accord like wax before the flame,
Both men and women, old and young, oh Utah!, where's thy shame?
Both men and women, old and young, a-rolling in their gore
And such an awful sight and scene was ne'er beheld before
Their property was divided among this bloody crew
And Uncle Sam is bound to see this bloody matter through.
The soldiers will be stationed throughout this Utah land
All for to find those murderers out and bring them to his hands.
By order from their president, this bloody deed was done
He was the leader of the Mormon Church, his name was Brigham Young.
Music and Song (words revised) by Pete Moore, of Albany Oregon. Words by Soldiers who buried the victims in 1859.