Mountain Meadows Massacre site 150 Year Memorial Wagon Train and Family Flag Bearers, to see more on the Wagon train and Family Flag Bearers, watch Fresno Destination 2 & 3 videos below.
Presentation of Federal Stewardship Letters and Petitions
To Elder Henry B. Eyring of the LDS Church
by President Phil Bolinger of the
Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation
Speech by
Dr. Burr Fancher
Dr. Burr Fancher read his poem at the MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE MEMORIAL on September 11, 2007. Dr. Fancher is a descendant of the wagon train massacre victims and the past President of the MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MONUMENT FOUNDATION.
Chairwomen Lora Tom or the Paiute Tribe speaks at thte Mountain Meadows Massacre 150 year Memorial (for more information on Lora Tom click here).
Elder Henry D. Eyring Regrets Anything that Creates Bad Publicity
Elder Eyring at Mountain Meadows Massacre 150 Year Memorial, was very sincere in his regretting basically anything to do with bad publicity for the LDS Corporate Headquarters.
From: BALLAD of the MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE, as sung by Pete Moore, of Albany, Oregon, and written by the US Soldiers that buried the Massacre victims. The words can by found on my website at
Mountain Meadow Massacre Memmorial Service 9-11-07
September 11, 2007, one could almost hear the cry from those that were murdered by the Mormon Brethren in 1857. If the Mormon Church wants to right this horrible wrong, then release Mountain Meadows to Federal Stewardship! Call Mormon Church Headquarters: Tom Owens 1-801-240-1000 Let your voices be heard, release Mountain Meadows!
Subject: 11/1/07 - ABC 4 Investigation: Decoding Brigham Young 's pioneer past.
Link to abc4 story on John V. Long's personal journals. He was secretary to Brigham Young and murdered on the streets of Salt Lake City .