Mr. Wixom,
Thank you for your interest in the Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadow Massacre site. My records indicate that you were on my site for approximately 5 minutes and 8 seconds. Your email will be placed on the feedback page.
You googled in on “Jacob Hamblin Grave” search words. You entered on the page A LDS TRIAL LAWYER ROBERT D. CROCKETT DEFENDS BRIGHAM YOUNG page and remained on that page for approximately 3 seconds. You then went to the BRIGHAM YOUNG DESECRATED THE CHRISTIAN CROSS AND ROCK CAIRN page for approximately 5 minutes and 5 seconds. That was your total viewing of the site today.
If you are making your accusations toward my site based upon your visit, of way less than 1% of the site. The site has 360+ pages. I would think that most reasonable and prudent people would consider that RIDICULOUS.
Are you accusing Wilford Woodruffs the 4 th president of the Church of lying? Is the LDS Church records one sided and speculative on what is in the 4 th presidents diary?
Even giving Brigham Young the benefit of the doubt about the massacre, his actions after the massacre were inexcusable. A "man of God" would have deplored the murders loudly and with great publicity, would have actively pursued everyone involved, would have seen that justice was served, by finding and arresting the many dozens of men involved in the mass murder of innocents.
Instead, Brigham Young desecrated their memories by scattering the stones of their memorial, and only then making his statement about finally getting some vengeance. The Mormon Church doesn't dispute these facts.
How, under any interpretation, can these immoral actions be reconciled with the fact that he is revered by Mormons? Why does this man, who should be disgraced and infamous, have his name on the Mormon Church's flagship university?
In 1858 BRIGHAM YOUNG received a presidential pardon for his part in the atrocities at Mountain Meadows from President Buchanan. Why do you suppose he would need a pardon?
Most of the information on this website comes from Mormon historians, which basically is the source of this web site's information. Of course if you are asking about the church's view then we are talking about another matter. I would say that more than 90% of the subject matter on this site comes from Mormon or former Mormon historians and researchers from the various universities and colleges in Utah.
The remainder of the information comes from the US Army's Carleton Report to the U.S. Congress, newspaper articles and the surviving children's eyewitness accounts.
One of the most outrageous facts of the aftermath of this tragedy was the fact that the US Government paid Mormon Jacob Hamblin $600.50 for the care of Sarah, Rebecca and Louisa Dunlap from Sept. 10, 1857-April 17, 1859. Hamblin was paid $318.00 for expenses he incurred in hunting one of the children who survived the massacre.
From Dec. 1, 1858 to June 30, 1859 another $350.00 and from Aug. 1, 1858-April 18, 1859, $1,693.20 was paid him for board, clothing and schooling for children saved from the massacre. $2,961.78 was Hamblin's take for caring for these children, killed by his Mormon brothers and stole their worldly goods.
It was Captain James Lynch, U.S. Army who finally collected the children and took them to Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas where they were met by Senator Mitchell and returned to relatives in Arkansas. Senator Mitchell had lost three sons in the massacre. It was undoubtedly the senator who kept the heat on that led to the rescue of the children and bringing to justice at least one of the guilty, John D. Lee.
Captain James Lynch, the rescuer of the children, expedited the recovery of the surviving children by pulling a gun on Jacob Hamblin and threatening to "send him to Purgatory" if he didn't stop lying about the whereabouts of the children.
Blind faith to an organized religion is what caused the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I have Saints that email me every day with that same blind faith. The sad part is they do not study their own history. Without that history Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre site would be SPECULATIVE!
The LDS cover-up is only for Mormons and the general public benefit. The truth is available for those who really want to know.
To us relatives and descendants of the massacre victims the massacre of our ancestors is just a bit more than what you call “SERIOUS MISTAKES.”
Thanks again for your interest. God Bless You and have a nice evening.
Best regards,
Frank Kirkman
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