Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
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June 21, 2007
I dont know brigham young...but I know that Im giving a talk on forgiveness this sunday..I also know that holding a grudge against someone doenst make you feel any better. we all know that everyone will be judged according to what he did. so, its not up to us to judge. In my talk, I have a reference to how God knows what we do not know and sees what we do not see. I dont defend brigham young, I dont know him and I cannot speculate. I only know that the church had to go forward. I use to blame my parents and their relatives for being so harsh until I found out that if they hadnt been the way they were ..I might not be here...and they were not mormons they were catholic and this had nothing to do with religion. this was during a time when the land rush was on in this country. I think that things happen whether good or bad that we have to live with and somehow do not understand...but out of all the negative comes some good..I have personally experienced things like that in my life. I have wondered when pain and misery might end and then at the end of it..a light was there...Sometimes we just have to go through things that don't make any sense to us but does to God. WE have to just forgive the person but maybe not the percieved deed....God bless you...and I am not like most mormons..I am a convert and who knows why I am the way I am. We are all different and will be judged accordingly.
Vickie Cloud  ** [email protected] OR  [email protected]

Donald Lewin Nelson 6/27/2007
Dear Presidential Candidate Romney:

Attached herewith is a copy of a news article from the Deseret News regarding control of the Mountain Meadows Massacre Memorial site. The article discusses the wishes of some of the relatives of the families mass murdered by the Iron County Mormon militia on September 11, 1857 for the federal government to remove control of this site from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to turn it over to the federal government and make it a national monumment.

Our family of Fancher relatives supports this concept. We believe that it is imperative that the remains of our relatives be removed from the control of their murderers.

For me as a Jew this is very important. Burial practices of the Jews seek to remove control of the remains of love ones from their enemies.

I urge you to support the Mountain Meadows Munument Foundation's proposal.


Donald Lewin Nelson [email protected]
Open attached pfd  


I was please to note that the name of my ancestor, Jehu Blackburn was not on the list of the perpetrators. I never knew him as neither did any of you know Captain Fancher . However, I heard the word massacre used in connection with Hanns Mill along time before Mountain Meadows. It seems that you are more interested in making the LDS church look bad than you are in justice. I bet there will be more to this story in the judgment for all to learn. Do you feel responsible for what happened to my ancestors in Missouri ? Probably not. Will what you are trying to do bring peace to us all? We are all in the same boat, brother. All of these victims are at peace with Jesus. Lets try to have some here on earth.

Dan Bishop [email protected]
Descendant of several survivors of Hanns Mill.  

Dear Mr. Kirkham , 6/28/2007

I can't imagine how you know what my faith is or who I am loyal to. Having grown up in rural Utah , I am well acquainted with the conditions there as well as matters regarding the integrity of the people and their leaders. I can't say anything good about John D Lee. I don't dispute that the massacre occurred or that it was criminal. I am glad that you can spell better than me. My question for you is this. What is in this for you? Do you believe everything you read? I don't. My faith is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, to be humble, charitable, forgiving, and let God do the judging. We should lift others up, as he was lifted up to raise us from the dead and from the chains which bind us. By the way, I know some real nice Kirkham folks. Not perfect, though, but I wouldn't want this world to be without them.

Dan Bishop [email protected]
Descendant of several survivors of Hanns Mill.  


I don't remember defending any faith except that in the teachings of Jesus Christ. I didn't know Brigham Young as well as you didn't. It is not safe to assume that anyone who questions what is said about Mormons is LDS. Just a thought, do you believe that the prophets of the old testament were prophetic shadows of Christ? What about Sampson, David, and Moses? Moses killed a guy. Sampson killed a bunch. Do you think that the settlers of southern Utah killed the Fancher party because they (the Mormons) were starving? This is really the important question. Why did this happen? Why did the people of Missouri do the same kind of stuff like killing and raping Mormons. What is wrong with human beings that they will destroy their own kind? I think they are just plain nuts. It's a good thing we aren't. Have a good day.

Dan Bishop [email protected]
Descendant of several survivors of Hanns Mill.  

I read with great interest some of the Fancher material in your website.  My great-great-great-grandmother was Permelia Emaline Fancher who married John Laffoon West.  I have never been able to find proof of her parentage, although she was clearly a daughter of one of the several sons of Richard and Sarah (Journegin) Fancher. 
Do you have information documenting the father of Permelia Emaline Fancher?  If so, I would great appreciate hearing from you about it, as I have been searching for some evidence for quite some time.
Most researchers on the Internet seem to place her as a daughter of Grey Bynum Fancher, and she did name her 8th child Bynum Melvin West.  Her first child, however, was named Thomas Hampton Benton West, which led me to suspect that her father was Grey Bynum Fancher's brother Thomas Hampton Fancher.
Kindest Regards, I see, however, that you list her as a daughter of Isaac Fancher.  Evidently it is true that Isaac went through Miller County, Missouri in the early 1840s, and that is where Permelia Emaline Fancher married John Laffoon West.  As I said, however, I have never found documentation identifying her parents with certainty.
Steven Phipps [email protected]


Will Bagley (Historian, Mormon, brave man) does a segment on the Mountain Meadows Massacre and September Dawn movie.

Ron Wright <[email protected]>  

More on September Dawn and some of our folks comments.
Ron Wright <[email protected]>  


About the Mountain Meadows Massacre – with Scott Fancher comments
Ron Wright <[email protected]>  

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Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.

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