Burr Fancher the current president of the Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation talking about fact of interest at the monument site.
Will Bagley the author of the "Blood of the Prophets" giving a talk on the massacre near the Rock Cairn.
Clive Burgess (pointing to thearea of remains), Mountain Meadows Rancher, that owns the property points to the area where his father covered up the massacre victim's bones with a team of horses and a Fresno Scraper. Mr. Burgess has lived here for over 72 years, and his parents have lived here since the early 1900. His dad homesteaded the property. His great grandparents twice removed lived in Pinto, Utah at the time of the massacre and cared for three of the surviving children, until the authorities came and picked them up.
The wagon wheel ruts mark the location of the Old Spanish Trail to San Bernadino via Las Vegas. Directly over the Dan Sill Hill in front of us (looking south) in the Rock Cairn and siege site. After the wagon train surrender to the Mormons they were brought north towards us and the Mormon Shooters and Clubbers slit the throats of the woman and children in this area.
One little five year old boy was crying because he had been shot in the ankle and a Mormon picked him up by the ankles and slung him by his leg bashing his head against a wagon wheel knocking his brains out.