Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mountain Meadows Photos 2003
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That's me Frank Kirkman at the entrance to the Mountain Meadows Meadows site. I took all the photos on this page and the following pages. Of course my lovely wife Diane took this photo.
The information board obviously placed at the site by the LDS church, gives no reason for the cold blooded killings by the Mormons tricked out as Indians. The obvious motive they do not even want to discuss is Brigham Young's greed.
The Mormons Church will not erect a cross on the Rock Cairn as the US Calvary did because the Mormons do not believe in celebrating the Crucifixion. They obviously do not care that the bones on the victims of the Mormon killers did believe in celebrating the Crucifixion. So basically what we have here is a monument to the Mormon killers and robbers not to the Christian victims. (Click on the photo above to enlarge)
Looking down on the Rock Cairn from Dan Sill Hill.
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Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.