Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site

The LDS Church
has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized this butcher into history. 
John D. Lee, had 13 year old William Lehi Bateman carry in the white flag to get the immigrants to surrender.
Photograph taken from the book
"Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah."
Contributed by MARK MOULTON
LDS Lawyer Defends the Massacre
Born: 1. Jan, 1844, Lee County, Iowa, a member of the Iron County Militia. According to his attached birth certificate his father Thomas Bateman was born in England. Bateman was only thirteen years of age at the time of the massacre. According to the book "Life & Confession of John D. Lee, Bateman was the Youngest participant at the Mountain Meadows Massacre. He was the one John D. Lee sent in alone with the white flag to get the immigrants to surrender. After he was accepted by the leaders of the immigrant train John D. Lee went in and talked the members of the wagon train into giving up their property and arms for the Mormon's promise of escorted safe passage back to Cedar City, Utah.
After the Mormons were back out on the trail back to Cedar City and had the immigrants in position . The Mormons executed the immigrants in cold blood as ordered by the Prophet Brigham Young.
WILLIAM LEHI BATEMAN'S   Death Certificate pdf
Biographical Sketch
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, Bagley, Lee, Gibbs, Wise, Backus, Dunn, Denton and Shirts.  
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.
List of Victims killed by William Lehi Bateman and his Mormon Brethren | crime committed without cause

Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.