Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mormon Shooters and Clubbers
Col. William H. Dame, head of the Iron County Brigade,
the military force in southern Utah.
Col. William H. Dame, Stake President of the Parowan Ward and the military commander who ordered the Massacre. (Dame was the Stake President. See Explanation by Steve Harris | More Information from G.G.
The morning following the massacre when Dame, arrived at the site and saw the horridious carnage, all color drained from his face and he exclaimed "Horrible! Horrible!"
"Horrible enough," Issac Haight said loudly, "but you should have thought of that before you issued the orders."
"I didn't think there were so many of them [women and children]," Dame is reported to have said, "or I would not have had any thing do with it." He then collapsed in distress, which infuriated Haight. Later Haight yelled at Dame, "you throw the blame of this thing on me and I will be revenged on you if I have to meet you in hell to get it!
The LDS Church has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized these butchers into history. 
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, (gave “decoy and exterminate” order) Bagley, Gibbs, Baskin, Wise, Dunn, Denton.
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.
List of Victims ordered murdered in cold blood by Col. William H. Dame
Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.