Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mormon Shooters and Clubbers
Lt. Col. Isaac Chauncey Haight
Second in command of the Iron County Brigade and President of the Cedar City Stake of Zion.
Even though Col. William H. Dame, of Iron County Brigade held a higher military rank than Lt. Col. Isaac Haight, the later was ecclesiastically superior; the religious hierarchy superseded the civil or military divisions of the church.
It is certain that the Fancher party was lured under false pretenses and treachery to the remote ambush site of Mountain Meadows for the purpose of annihilation and plunder.
During his Sunday service on September 7, 1857 (the siege began that day) Haight, trying to whip up public support for the planned carnage, incited his congrgation with specific reference to the Fancher Train: "I am prepared to feed to the Gentiles the same bread they fed to us. God being my helper I will give the last ounce of strength and if need be my last drop of blood in defense of Zion.  
Excerpts from AMERICAN MASSACRE by Sally Denton
In 1958 BRIGHAM YOUNG received a presidential pardon for his part in the atrocities at Mountain Meadows from President Buchanan.
Biographical Sketch of Isaac Chauncey Haight
  Born: 27 MAY 1813 in Windham, Greene Co., New York.
  Died: 8 SEP 1886 in Thatcher, Graham Co., Arizona.
Isaac Haight was an early convert to the then-new Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was a Mormon pioneer, moving his family West with the Saints to Utah. Brigham Young sent Isaac on a three-year mission to England where part of his duties included studing iron making. Upon his return Isaac was made president of the "Iron Mission" in Cedar City, Utah.
These Mormon's robbed the dead stripping them of their clothing, leaving them naked in the meadow for the vultures.
The Jewelry and gold was taken to Brigham Young, in Salt Lake City and deposited in the LDS Church Treasury one month after the massacre.
The clothing and other items were taken to the Cedar City Ward Tithing room.
Then the LDS Church placed a MORMON MOMUMENT over the Victims gravesite without a Christian Cross.
In 1858 BRIGHAM YOUNG received a presidential pardon for his part in the atrocities at Mountain Meadows from President Buchanan.
He served as the town's first mayor and as an important church leader. His involvement in the "Mountain Meadows Massacre" and his practice of polygamy forced him to flee Federal officers and become an exile late in life.
While a fugitive, he assumed the name Horton (his mother's maiden surname) and so freighted material for the construction of the St. George temple . He died in Arizona, estranged from family and friends.
The senior ecclesiatical authority in southern Utah .
Biography of this Cold Blooded Killer!
List of Victims killed by the above and other Mormon Participants
Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.