LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS TRUE DEMOCRAT, April 14, 1860, p. 2, c. 1
The Mountain Meadow Massacre
A friend has sent us a copy of the Valley Tan, published at Salt Lake city , on the 29 th ult. It contains a statement by W. H. Rogers concerning the massacre, which, though long, we will transfer to our columns as soon as we can. It fixes the guilt of the Mormons beyond a doubt.—The narrative is plain, unpretending and clear. We defy any man to read it without feeling his blood thrill in his veins.
One hundred and twenty American citizens, men, women and children, were murdered in cold blood. The bones of these murdered emigrants, after having the flesh gnawed from them by wolves, were left to bleach for nearly two years on the ground, when they were collected by Major Carlton and buried in one grave. A stone monument, conical in form, fifty feet high, has been erected over the grave. A cross of red cedar, twelve feet in height surmounts this. On the transum [sic] of the cross are these words:
"Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord."
On a granite slap, at the base is the following inscription:
120 men, women and children were massacred in
cold blood, early in September, 1857.
They were from Arkansas ."
The children survivors are now in this State. Will not some of our contemporaries in the north-west get their full names and account of their present situation?—Congress will be urged to take action in their behalf. Our legislature will probably do something. The State can well afford to give them land enough to provide for their future well doing. They should be educated and the suggestion made by one of the Arkansas papers to that effect, only needs presentation to our people to secure them a handsome sum.