Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Nephi Johnson
Nephi Johnson's Grave Site
Larry Peterson and his dog stand at the entrance to the Mesquite Cemetery, in Mesquite, Nevada, where they do not allow dogs, however, the cemetery does allow mass murders to be buried there.
Nephi Johnson | Close-up of Headstone
In this photo Larry is standing next to the headstone of Nephi Johnson one of the Shooter and Clubbers in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. (Click on the image or click here to view headstone.) Photos by Larry Peterson
List of Victims Killed in COLD BLOOD by Mormon Nephi Johnson and his Mormon Brethren
Mesquite resident and loyal supporter of the Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation, Larry Peterson, researched, and searched until he found the gravesite of Nephi Johnson, Nephi Johnson was one of the most sadistic and brutal killers involved in the Mormon massacre of gentiles at Mountain Meadows , Utah on September 11, 1857. Mr. Peterson advised us that most local residence didn't know that Nephi Johnson was buried in Mesquite, Nevada. Mr. Peterson immediately notified the Phil Bolinger, President of the Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation , the most representative of the descendants groups, of the location of Shooter and Clubber Nephi Johnson's gravesite.
The LDS Church has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized this butcher into history. 
There are many sites that pay tribute to Nephi Johnson's historical accomplishment without mentioning the fact that he was a cold blooded killer. Mr. Johnson's had the woman and children killed by slitting their throats and clubbing them to death. This man never spent one day in jail for his crimes. (Recovery of the Victims Bones )
"Though the perpetrators often went unpunished, many guilty and traumatized men felt compelled to tell and re-tell the horror they had committed. Nephi Johnson, one of the participants in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, died crying, "Blood, blood, blood!"                                                                                                 Back to Nephi Johnson

The above is a quote from author Larry McMurtry's audio book "Oh What A Slaughter".

In 1858 BRIGHAM YOUNG received a presidential pardon for his part in the atrocities at Mountain Meadows from President Buchanan.                                                                                 A LDS TRIAL LAWYER DEFENDS THE MASSACRE Sources: (Bagley) (Lee) (Wise) (Denton) (Shirts)
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.

Home List of his victims Testimony of Nephi Johnson
Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.