Directions To Utah Monument: Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Links  
From St. George, in the Southwest corner of Utah, go north on state Highway #18 about 30 miles. Look for the signs indicating the parking lot on Dan Sill Hill on the right side of the road.
  From Cedar City,  north of St. George on Highway 15, go west on state highway #56 about 35 miles to the intersection of state highways #56 and #18.  Turn south on #18and go about 11 miles to Enterprise. Continue on south about another 5 miles to the Mountain Meadows.  The monuments are on the south end of the valley.  
  Just before you go up a small rise into the main parking lot for the 1990 monument, there is a road on the left. If you take this road, you will go to the old monument in the valley that was rebuilt in 1999. Latitude = 37.4755, Longitude = -113.6437  
  Click here to view sign directing visitors to site.  
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