Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Mormon Shooters and Clubbers
John D. Lee, a cold blooded killer, and adopted son and confidant of
Brigham Young.
"In the midst of all the confusion the two Dunlap girls Ruth 14, and Rachel, 16, made a wild dash across the valley to some scrub oak thinking they were safe but evidence showed they suffered far worse than the other women." Afterward it was reported that the two sisters were stripped of their clothing, and then brutally murdered by Lee after they promised to love him and obey him all their lives—a charge Lee would deny for the rest of his own life. Rebecca and Louisa Dunlap saw their twin sisters, Lucinda and Susannah, killed, and would later identify their murderers.
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It is this web sites opinion that John D. Lee, was singled out to be the scapegoat in the massacre because Brigham Young knew he was the most sadistic of the sadistic.
More on John D. Lee
Mormon Shooters and Clubbers.

Major John Doyle Lee
Major in the Mormon Militia and a Mormon Bishop.
He used Treachery to convince the emigrants to surrender, and participated in the slaughter.
Eyewitnesses and Sources to the Mountain Meadows Massacre
Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.