Born APR 1819 at Salem, Ashtabula County, Ohio; son of Isaiah HAMBLIN and Daphne HAYNES . Jacob's birth place can also be found as Salem, Columbiana, Ohio. During a search of Ohio towns it was noted that there never was a Salem in Ashtabula County, however there is a Salem in Columbiana County. Although Ashtabula and Geauga Counties are next to each other, and Ashtabula was actually formed from part of Geauga County, Columbiana County does not adjoin them and was not created from Ashtabula. Normally when there is a discrepancy in county names, it's because a county was divided and a new county established, however that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Either Jacob was wrong about the name of the County he was born in or he was wrong about the name of the town.
Jacob Hamblin
Mr. Hamblin was a coward, thief, swindler, fraud, liar, a very close friend of the prophet BRIGHAM YOUNG, and a cold blooded killer.
March 3rd., 1842 Jacob Hamblin was baptized in to the Mormon religion. In 1842 he moved to Nauvoo, Illinois where he became a member of the Mormon "Minute Men." 1850 he settled in Salt Lake City, Utah. In April of 1854, he was called on a mission to the Indians in Southern Utah.
On September 11, 1855, Jacob started for Santa Clara with his brother Oscar, Dudley Leavitt and their families. That winter, they built a fort on the Santa Clara River, and in 1857 he was made president of the Santa Clara Indian Mission. His home was a short distance from massacre site.
Jacob Hamblin under orders sent down by Brigham Young set up wagon train to camp at massacre site; falsely charged Government for getting children from Indians. The children were never in the hands of the Indians. He also charged the U. S. Government for taking care of the children after he and the other Mormons murdered their parents.
"It is certain that the Fancher-Baker party was lured under false pretenses and treachery to the remote ambush site of Mountain Meadows for the purpose of annihilation and plunder. "
In late August, Hamblin was traveling north to Salt Lake City in company with LDS Apostle George A. Smith . Smith had been dispatched to the southern Mormon colonies to advise the Iron County Brigade to "Use Up" the Fancher Wagon train and recommend that the colonists not trade with any non-Mormons then traveling through their territory and prepare to flee to the mountains if required.
At Corn Creek near Fillmore, Utah , Smith, Hamblin, and Thales Haskell encountered the ill-fated Fancher party , a wagon train of Arkansans en route to California. Upon their questioning about the road ahead and a place to rest their cattle, Hamblin suggested that they stop further south in the grassy Mountain Meadows , where he maintained a homestead. List of Victims killed due to Hamblin's actions.
David Wilson Tullis
The LDS Church
has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized these butchers into history.
After the massacre the surviving children were taken to the Jacob Hamblin ranch. While there one child was killed and most of the children were taken to other Mormon families to be poorly cared for for the next two years. Sara Dunlap was blind for life due to the negligent care of the Hamblins.
Right after the Mormons had arrived at the Hamblin ranch with the children one of the little boys was crying from the pain of his wounds, when one of the Mormon militia men grabbed him by the ankles and swung his head repeatedly against a wagon wheel knocking his brains out.
David Wilson Tullis, pictured above worked for Jacob Hamblin on his ranch at the time of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, he was a Mormon participant in the massacre and a private in the Iron County Militia. (click on image for more info)
Captain James Lynch, the rescuer of the children, expedited the recovery of the surviving children by pulling a gun on Jacob Hamblin and threatening to "send him to Purgatory" if he didn't stop lying about the whereabouts of the children.
Many items found at and in the Jacob Hamblin home maintained by the Mormon Church are reportedly similar to those taken from Fancher Wagon Train in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Items at Hamblin Home | DANITES
In 1858 BRIGHAM YOUNG received a presidential pardon for his part in the atrocities at Mountain Meadows from President Buchanan.