Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site

The LDS Church has
knowingly sponsored, endorsed,
and forever immortalized these
butchers into history. 
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COLUMBUS REED FREEMAN, a MORMON SHOOTER AND CLUBBER, a private in the Iron County Militia; born on June 7, 1838 , in Breathitt County, Kentucky. Died April 25,1907, in Los Angeles, California.  
By 1857, Freeman was living in southern Utah. He is listed in June 1857 muster list but for unknown reasons, not in October 1857 list. He was among the young men ordered to muster to Mountain Meadows. He would have been no more than eighteen or nineteen at the time. According to John D. Lee , Freeman attended the fateful military council at Mountain Meadows on the evening of Thursday, September 10, just before the final massacre the following day. However, the youthful private could not have played a significant role in the deliberations of the council. His exact role at the time of the final massacre is not unknown althought he could have been among the contingent of Cedar City militiamen who accompanied the emigrant men on their northbound march.
Freeman and his family later moved north from Cedar City to Corn Creek. The 1880 census for Kanosh in Millard County lists Freeman was born in Missouri, 41 years old and employed as a laborer, with a wife, Lydia, born in Kentucky, 39 years old, keeping house, with four sons and three daughters, ages two to sixteen.
Biographical Sketch | Genealogy | LDS Lawyer Defends the Massacre
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, The 1857 Iron County Militia Project, Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins, Lee and Shirts.  
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.
List of Victims killed by the above and other Mormon Participants

Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.