WILLIAM TAIT, a MORMON SHOOTER AND CLUBBER, was a Captain in Company F, Cedar City; Born: 3 Nov 1818, Downpatrick, Down,
Ireland. |
William married Elizabeth XAVIER, daughter of James XAVIER and
Julianne BELL, on 21 Jan 1850 in Bombay, Meershot, India. (Elizabeth
XAVIER was born on 23 Dec 1833 in Bombay, Meershot, India and died
on 7 Dec 1914 in Enterprise, Washington, Utah |
According to John D. Lee , Tait arrived at Mountain Meadows with a militia company from Cedar City. He was a former Drill instructor, and addmitted to being at the massacre on Friday, September 11th . |
Genealogy |
Biographical Sketch |
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Lee and Shirts.
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password. |