Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site

The LDS Church has
knowingly sponsored, endorsed,
and forever immortalized these
butchers into history. 
Photograph taken from the book "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah."
Contributed by MARK MOULTON.
WILLIAM CAMERON STEWARD a MORMON CLUBBER and SHOOTER, a 2nd Lt. in the Iron County Militia; Born: 15. March, 1826, Elinburgh, Scotland. He came to Utah in December, 1856, Capt. Hunt Company, Indian War Veteran. Worked on St. George, Utah Temple.
Steward was also a high priest and member of the Cedar City Council. Stewart's involvement in the massacre is known by eye witness accounts and he was said to have killed William A. Aden and wounded two other men that Capt. Alexander Fancher had sent out of the camp for help. When the massacre was over, Stewart assisted Philip Klingensmith and John Higbee in searching the bodies for any valuables. Stewart was indicted in 1874, along with eight other Mormon men, and immediately went into hiding. Though a $500 reward was posted for his capture he was never apprehended, and there was no follow-up.
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, The 1857 Iron County Militia Project, Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins, Bagley, Lee, Gibbs, Wise, Backus, Dunn, Denton and Shirts.  Biographical Sketch
List of Victims killed by WILLIAM STEWART and his Mormon Brethren

Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.