WILLIAM RUFUS SLADE, a MORMON SHOOTER AND CLUBBER, was a private in the third Washington platoon in Harrison Pearce's Company I in John D. Lee's 4 th Battalion; Born July 2, 1811, In Washington county, N Y. |
Married Julia Higganbotham in Louisiana Their children William, m Nancy Katherine Holt, Martha, d 1835 Jefferson, m Sarah M Chestnut, Margiana, d 1840 Albert d 1853, Clara, Benjamin, d 1847, John, d 1853, Henry, Alice, d 1853, James McGaw, d 1870 Family home Opelousas, La. |
By spring 1857, the Slades had settled in Washington County in southern Utah among other like-minded Southerners. By September, he was a private in the third Washington platoon in Harrison Pearce's Company I in John D. Lee's 4 th Battalion. Slade was among the Washington party who were probably recruited on Sunday the 6 th and traveled toward Mountain Meadows on Monday the 7 th and encamped there on Tuesday the 8th .
Biographical Sketch |
"William Slade" was listed in the 1859 federal arrest warrant. This could be either the father, William Rufus Slade, or the son, William Slade . |
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following:
Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, page 1116; The 1857 Iron County Militia Project,
Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins, Bagley, Backus, Lee and Shirts. |