The LDS Church has |
knowingly sponsored, endorsed, |
and forever immortalized these |
butchers into history. |
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Edwards was only 15 years old when the MORMON'S made him participate in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. |
WILLIAM EDWARDS a MORMON SHOOTER AND CLUBBER and a private in the Iron County Militia; born in Worchestershire, England, Edwards' principal occupation was farming but he also served as constable and postmaster in Beaver for many years. |
In September 1857, Edwards was fifteen years old and living in Cedar City. Probably on Thursday the 10th, Edwards was among a detachment of militia reinforcements ordered to the Meadows. He described arriving at the Meadows that day, the council meeting that night that solidified a plan of action, and the massacre on Friday the 11th. |
In 1924, less than a year before his death and more than sixty-five years after the massacre, Edwards made a short affidavit concerning his presence at the massacre as a fifteen-year-old youth. His is probably the last of the militia statements on the massacre. |
Edwards is not mentioned in the 1857 Iron County militia muster rolls, nor does any other witness identify him as a participant in the massacre or even present at the Meadows. Yet there is little reason to doubt his statement: he was among several militia teenagers who had been pressed into joining the militia detachment bound for the Mountain Meadows and he witnessed the massacre. |
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: The 1857 Iron County Militia Project, Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins, Bagley; Affidavit of William Edwards; Lee, Mormonism Unveiled ; Lee Trial transcripts; Shirts. |
Biographical Sketch | Sherratt Library |