Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site
Published July 29, 1881
Copyright © The New York Times


    CHICAGO, ILL., July 28 – A special to the Times from San Francisco , Cal. , says: “New has been received here that Bishop Philip Klingen Smith , at one time of high standing and influence in the Mormon Church, and the exposer of the Mountain Meadow massacre and a participant therein is dead. His body was found in a prospect hole in Sonora , Mexico , under circumstances indicating murder. Bishop Smi9th has died as he expected. After convicting John D. Lee of the Mountain Meadow massacre, he said: “I know the Church will kill me, sooner or later—it is only a question of time.” After returning from the trial, by order of the Church his wife left him. He then went south and lived in Arizona . In that Territory two attempts were made to kill him.”
Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.