Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site

The LDS Church has
knowingly sponsored, endorsed,
and forever immortalized these
butchers into history. 
Back to Shooters and Clubbers

JOHN JACOBS a MORMON SHOOTER and CLUBBER a pvt. in the Iron County Militia, (son of Sven Jacobsen and Johanna Johnsen of Norway) Born Dec 7 1825, at Byglandsfjord, Berjmsley, Norway, pioneer 1849, Ezra T Benson company.
Married Elizabeth Coleman (daughter of Prine Coleman and Sarah Thornton—former died in Norway latter pioneer 1850 David Evans company) She was born 1835 Came to Utah with mother Their children John S b Aug 7, 1866, m Sarah Jane Savage 1875 George P b Feb 9, 1850, m Cynthia Duell Sept 15 1896 Hyrum b March 9. 1858, died Prine b May 11 1860 m Ellen Ashton Aug 25 1881, Aaron b July 9 1862 died Sarah Elizabeth b Jan 9, 1862, m Heber Allred Aug 1885 Swen A b Jan 16 1865, died: Hanna Myrea b 1867 m William Ralph March 27 1888 Isaac N b Nov 11, 1869, died Andrew b Nov 5 1872, m. Jane Clough Dec 30 1903 Family home Lehi Utah.
Married Harriet Austin March 23, 1867 Salt Lake City (daughter of John Austin and Emma Grace, married March 20 1847, Studham, Engr, pioneers 1866, Captain Chipman company) She was born Aug 6, 1847, at Kenwith Hot, Eng Their children Joseph Rawllns b Aug 20, 1868, Emma Ann b Dec 23, 1869, Franklin b Dec 3, 1871, m Sarah E Wing June 19, 1896, Harriet Elizabeth b March 13 1874, m George H Wing June 19, 1895, Julia b Aug: 22, 1877, Lud b Feb 29, 1880 m Florence Gilchrest Feb 26, 1903, Dell Ray b Oct 17, 1883, Delia b Oct 17, 1883, m B D Lott Nov 18 1903, Josephine b May 13, 1886, Clara M b Sept 21, 1887, Isre Thomas b Feb 7, 1889.
Settled Lehi 1851 moved to Cedar City 1853 and back to Lehi in 1858 Indian war veteran Counselor in deacons quorum 32 years. Biographical Sketch
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, The 1857 Iron County Militia Project, Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins, Lee and Shirts.
Photographs taken from an original first edition publication of the book "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah."
List of Victims killed by the above and other Mormon Participants

Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.