Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site

It is highly probable that he is the brutal coward that smashed the young boy's brains out in front of the Jacob Hamlin home after the massacre.
He allegedly smashed the little boys brains out by swinging him by his heels and slamming his head agaisnt a wagon wheel.

ADAIR boasted about the killings. Laughingly, he was said to have imitated how he had taken babies by their heels, swinging them into the iron bands of the wagon wheels, crushing the skulls in the process.
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The LDS Church
has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized these butchers into history. 
There were two individuals with the name GEORGE WASHINGTON ADAIR, in southern Utah at the time of the September 11, 1857, Moutain Meadows Massacre. Read their family histories, and related links below. Mr. ADAIR'S, (born on June 27, 1837 in Pickens County, Alabama.) family history does mention the MOUNTAIN MEADOW MASSACRE, in the book section. The other George Washington Adair b. 1818, was not involved in the massacre and here is his family page :
The Uncle George Washingto Adair Family
GEORGE WASHINGTON ADAIR, MORMON SHOOTER and CLUBBER, a private in the Fifth Platoon, Company I, of the Iron County Militia , was one of the few men ever indicted in the massacre. In the summer of 1874, an indictment for murder was handed down against Adair, and eight other men, but only John D. Lee would ever be tried. Though most accounts of the time claimed that the militia killed only the adult males and the Paiutes killed the women and children, later statements and forensic evidence disputed this, indicating the the white men did most of the killing under orders from Major John M. Higbee.
Though there were numerous privates in the Iron Militia that were never indicted, the young Adair, who was allegedly a heavy drinker, brought attention to himself in the streets of Cedar City, by boasting about the killings. Laughingly, he was said to have imitated how he had taken babies by their heels, swinging them into the iron bands of the wagon wheels, crushing the skulls in the process. Private Adair was arrested and jailed for six months before he was released on bail on May 12, 1876. When U.S. .S. Attorney Sumner Howard recommended to Adair that he plead guilty to the charges against him, Adair allegedly responded, "I'll see you in Hell first!” Unfortunately, the charges were never followed through with Adair.
The above text is from the Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins site.
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.
Eyewitnesses and Sources to the Mountain Meadows Massacre

Below is an excerpt of text taken from the book:
*NOTE: Almost all of us descendants of the Massacre Victims feel sorry for the Mormon particpant descendants but when they write obvious untruths about thier ancestor participant's roll in the massacre or try to justify the massacre like many Mormons do by pointing out Haun's Mill, the Parley Pratt murder, the alleged Joseph Smith martyrdom and the alleged persecutions in Illinois and Missouri. There is absolutely nothing that can justify the cowardly, cold blooded killings at Mountain Meadows, no, not even BRIGHAM YOUNGS'S GREED! The good LORD will make the final judgment not us.
GEORGE WASHINTON ADAIR (1837 - 1909) Ancestry and Descendants
The History of a Mormon Pioneer Family
Compiled by Don Kay Smith and Carolyn Anita (Adair) Smith, July 2005, page 22
September 1857 Mountain Meadows, Utah
  Soon after their arrival in Washington , the Mountain Meadows Massacre took place. George Washington was called by his superiors to go to the Meadows and assist the Church Men who were already there, His part in the massacre is for the most part, unknown. But we do get a little insight into his involvement, from the journal of David O. McKay, dated 27 July 1907 , Near Manassa, Colorado.
    “A pleasant morning. Made a fourth attempt to send a telegram home. Met George Washington Adair an old pioneer whose grandfather was at Valley Forge, under General Washington.”
    “He was in Washington County. carrying mail from Parowan to Washington in the year when the Mountain Meadows Massacre took place.”
    "He saw the message that was sent by (sic) John D. Lee & Higbee to President Young, He saw the answer from President Young. He said to me “I am a living witness that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had nothing to do with the massacre. Brigham Young, George A. Smith knew no more about it than you did.” Brother Adair saw the White flag, saw the company disarmed, and saw the women and children's throats cut."
    “He said it was horrible. Not John D Lee but John Higbee gave the order to kill the women and children. John D Lee was with the wounded when the firing began behind him.”
    “Next day after the massacre. brother Adair helped bury the massacred. They were stripped of their clothing and valuables, He picked up a long purse filled with gold, but held it away horn him as a thing accursed, because John Higbee had said that if anybody took any property belonging to the company “it would burn them” As brother Adair was holding this purse, Mr. Higbee walked up, grabbed the purse, and pushed it into his pocket “From that time” said brother Adair, “I had no use for him, it was then that he caught me by the hair pulled my head back, and drawing a big knife across my throat. said, if you ever divulge what you have seen, I will cut your throat from ear to car.”
    (“David 0 McKay diary, 27 July 1907,” LDS Church historian's Office, MS 668, Op. 28~29. Near Manassa. Colorado) Go to Book pdf 7mg
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: The 1857 Iron County Militia Project, Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins, Adair Family History , Bagley, Lee, Arrest warrant and Shirts.  
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.
George Washington Adair (1818 - 1897) Family History - George W. Adair (1818-1997) Genealogy
Kanab, Utah, Memorial
On the above plaque there are three other MORMON SHOOTERS and CLUBBERS associated with George Washington Adair. Ira Hatch, Nephi Johnson John W. Mangum. Photo is located on the GEORGE WASHINGTON ADAIR, family site.
List of Victims killed by the above and other Mormon Participants

Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.