Frank Kirkman's Mountain Meadows Massacre Site

The LDS Church has knowingly sponsored, endorsed, and forever immortalized these butchers into history. 

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Eyewitnesses and Sources
EZRA HOUGHTON CURTIS, a MORMON SHOOTER AND CLUBBER, a 2nd Lt. in the Iron County Militia; son of Enos Curtis and Ruth Franklin. He was a farmer and the family home was in Provo, Utah.
Married Lucinda Carter Dec 18, 1846, Kanesville, Iowa (daughter of Domimcus Carter and Lydia Smith, of Maine, pioneers 1851, Joseph Home company) She was born Jan 14, 1831 Their children Lida b Sept, 1848 Maltssa Jane b July 26, 1850, m James H Kennedy, Delia b May 24, 1852, m William Jenkins, Ezra b Aug 13 1854, m Mary Ann Whipple, Sidney b Jan 16, 1868 m Mary Ann Andrews, Lorenzo b Nov 5, 1861, m Eliza Mott, Ruth b March 4, 1870, m Harry Payne Hannah Eliza b Feb 2 1863, Wilford b May 27, 1874, m Bertha Harward, Olive Lucinda b Oct 30, 1856, m Samuel Harding, Laura b Oct 23, 1864, Isabell b Dec 31, 1866, m Earnest A Shepherd Family home Provo, Utah.
Biographical Sketch
When the larger photo is viewed by clicking on the image, one can see items possibly stolen in the mass murder/robbery from the massacre victims. (Click on image for more information).
Married Juliaette Everett, who was born April 15, 1839, Their children Isaac b Dec 22, 1856, James b Sept IS, 1858, Elizina b March 3, 1866, m Benjamin Watson Franklin b June 3, 1872 Adelbert b April 9, 1879 Elizabeth Elnora b Jan 26, 1863, Everett M b Aug 31, 1870, m Sarah E Draper Family home Provo, Utah.
To find the genealogy on the above Shooter and Cluber click here.
Information on the above Mormon Shooter and Clubber, was obtained from the following: Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, Lee and Shirts.  
More refernces: LDS version of the Shooters and Clubbers | Mountain Meadows Massacre Assassins |
The 1857 Iron County Militia Project
is a Mormon based site and requires a user name and password.
Site information contributed by MARK MOULTON.
List of Victims killed by the above and other Mormon Participants

Read how the Mormon Killers got paid by the US Government for caring for the orphan children after they had killed their parents.