Through the help of my DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) chapter - Dardanelle Rock Chapter - I have been able to locate the grave site of one of the surviving children, Nancy Saphronia Huff Cates, of the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
Jim Putman had been seeking the unmarked grave's location and called our DAR chapter for assistance. I live in Perry county Arkansas, near Perryville, and I began contacting members of our local Cates family. Immediately they knew of Nancy and about her story. Some of her direct Cates descendants are located here and they provided me with the location of her grave. It's in the Antioch Cemetery here in Perry county.
I'm not sure exactly who ordered the plaque (I found it wired to the cemetery fence) but I have it in my possession and we (our DAR chapter) are in the process of completing a small headstone size replica of the stone monument that's in Utah for the plaque to be placed upon. A memorial/dedication ceremony has been set and it will take place:
December 2, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. at the Antioch Cemetery (just off Hwy. 216 near Perryville, AR).
Coincidentally, I'm on the board of thiscemetery.
If you know of anyone that would be interested in attending this dedication ceremony, please pass the word along to them. The Mountain Meadows Monument Foundation at Harrison (through Scott Fancher) has been contacted so they are aware of the service and, hopefully, they will attend. Mrs. Shirley Pyron, who spoke at the Utah monument dedication, and a member of the Bois D'Arc chapter of the DAR, will speak at this ceremony as well.
Patty Windle (Mrs. Rayford Windle)
Dardanelle Rock Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution